Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How to cure your eyes when it got pollen thing?

i don't really know whats the name of the disease but...i think my eyes hurt because of pollen..its winter getting to spring here...

do you know how to cure this? for more details about my eyes you can see at: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...

How to cure your eyes when it got pollen thing?
the answers below sound like good advice in that you should get it checked and see what IS causing it in the first place...

I often get the painful eye things in pollen season (mine runs from spring to autumn :s and then of course i get the silly flu in winter - grrr!). Usually, being tired or not blinking enough becase u are staring at one thing for very long can also affect how dry/watery/painful eyes can get.

Personally, i find cucumber slices really good at calming them down- especially in summer heatwaves!

Hope that helps or was an interesting read anyway!


Reply:The first thing you need to do is see your doc for a diagnosis. You may have an infection or it could just be allergies from pollen. Either way the doc will prescribe something for it.
Reply:There is no cure, but you can go to the drug store, and buy CLARITIN over the counter. It is about the best stuff you can get for eye allergy irritation.
Reply:Go to your nearest pharmacy and tell them your problem and they will give you the best thing for your eyes in the form of eye drops. There are various different things you can get for hay fever.
Reply:you have hay fever just get some tablets from the chemist
Reply:put sum eye drops in ur eyes if that does not work then u should go to the doctor fast to check out ur eyes !?!?!?! okay
Reply:It's called Spring Catarrah. Many people are allergic/sensitive to the pollens in the air which abound around this part of the year.

You can use anti-allergic eye drops for relieving the symptoms. Frequent washes with cold water, wearing sunglasses (bigger sizes)are also advised.

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